LibY!Mail  0.20
A .NET object oriented hierarchical encapsulation of the Yahoo! Mail web services.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
oCAliasRepresents an alias of the Yahoo! Mail account
|\CYAlternateViewDescribes one of the alternative views of a message
|\CMessageErrorExceptionDescribes an error while executing an operation on a message.
|\CYAttachmentRepresents an attachment of a mail message.
oCBlockedAddressesContains information about the addresses blocked by the user.
oCCollection< Alias >
|\CAliasCollectionA collection of aliases defined for the Yahoo! Mail account
oCCollection< DisposableAddress >
|\CDisposableAddressCollectionRepresents a collection of DisposableAddress objects defined by the user.
oCCollection< ExternalAccount >
|\CExternalAccountCollectionRepresents the collection of external accounts defined for this email account.
|oCFolderCollectionA collection of Folders in the Account.
|\CYMailMessageCollectionA collection of YMailMessage objects in a Folder.
oCDisposableAddressDescribes a disposable address defined in the user's preferences.
oCExternalAccountRepresents an external email account that the user can read messages from into his Yahoo! account.
oCFeaturePrefContains properties related to general preferences.
oCFolderDescribes a folder of messages in the mail account.
|\CAccountThe main access point of this library. Describes the account, the folders and the messages in the account.
|\CYMailMessageRepresents an e-mail message in the Yahoo! Mail account.
oCMessageRequestA request to retrieve a message content from the server
oCPopPrefContains properties related to POP3 access
oCSendPrefContains preferences related to message sending
oCUserPreferencesContains the various mail preferences, or options, of the user
\CVacationPrefSpecifies preferences for sending automatic reply to incoming messages.